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voces que dejan huellas
por Eduardo Ortiz Moreno



Poeta, traductor y escritor polaco. Obtuvo el Premio Nobel en 1980

The Academy of American Poets (CD)

Czeslaw Milosz - 17 december 1974

en la voz de
Czeslaw Milosz

   Introduction by Michael Benedikt

   Introduction to "A task"

   A task

   Introduction to "Visitor"



   From "Sentences"

   Introduction to "To Raja Rao"

   To Raja Rao


   Dithyramb (polish)

   Outskirts (from "Voices of poor people")

   Introduction to "A song on the End of the World"

   A song on the End of the World

   A song on the End of the World (polish)

   Throughout Our lands (section 3)

   Bobo´s Metamorphosis (section 7)

   Bobo´s Metamorphosis (section 8)

   Oeconomia Divina

   On Angels


   And the City Stood in Its Brightness

   Should, Should Not

   Your Voice

   Introduction to "Ars Poetica?"

   Ars Poetica?

   Introduction to "Troughout Our Lands"

   Troughout Our Lands (section 6)

   Introduction to "I Sleep A Lot"

   I sleep a Lot

   With Trumpets and Zithers (section 2)

   With Trumpets and Zithers (section 6)

   With Trumpets and Zithers (section 7)


   June 17 (from "Album of Dreams")
